You may also have new customers for your business,Guest Posting but to get the new customer and to retain the existing ones are two different aspects. Studies have proven that customer retention can provide 25% growth or profit to any business. If your competitor swipes your customer’s right from under your nose, then you need to focus on customer retention process and their tools. This article discusses customer retention using Salesforce through seven points:

  • Use Integration to Store Data Centrally

In the customer-focused marketing era, it has become essential to know the best way to connect with the customer to convert the relationship into a meaningful one by solving their problems in a faster manner and by fulfilling their requirements and expectations timely and properly. But to achieve this simple looking task is not easy, you may be using various applications, which might be restricting your efficiency and functioning in silos, and slowing down functional speed and quality, which may result in customer dissatisfaction.

The simple and straight solution to this problem is that you must integrate the system and data centrally by storing it in the cloud. For this Salesforce can provide you the best cloud-based integration platform, which can disable all IT related bottlenecks and streamline the data flow among various business processes. Here for streamlining the best example is that if various departments of the organization are using various tools to smoothen their operations, then with the help of a transparent data funnel they can get the 360-degree view of every customer. So now through the transparent system can help the organizational employees or sales team members to make the customer retention more effective.

  • Use Customer Data to Send Personalized Messages

Salesforce integration partner can provide you lots of valuable customer data. Now you can take advantage of this data to send the personalized emails, so that the customers may feel connected with your service. Personalized emails may make your customer feel special, like in following email, which is sent by Amazon to its customer by his name:


Here Amazon has sent the personalized email with the name of the customer, and on the basis of his search history, they have sent a few suggestions to the customer. It may be a great experience for the customer. Salesforce can be proven a gold mine of customer data, which may include their online activities, downloads and search history including their location.

Customer Data in Salesforce

Using the customer information the personalized messages can be easily sent customers. Moreover, any external email marketing tool like MailChimp or any other freely available tool can also be used to send such personalized messages to the customers. There are ready to use apps, which can be used to synchronize MailChimp like apps with Salesforce. Ozark Trail Customer Service