Recently I was asked if I would like to experience Egypt by a Luxor and Aswan Travel .  Of course I said yes!  Egypt has been one of the places on my bucket list after all.  When I was younger I always used to play the Luxor-themed computer games and I loved learning about the pyramids,Guest Posting so there was no way I was going to say no!  The country’s history fascinates me incredibly, and it’s funny because usually history bores the heck out of me but not Egyptian history.


Our 9-day tour starts in Cairo then proceeds by travelling to Luxor, and lastly to Aswan before departing back to Cairo.  This itinerary had nearly everything I wanted to see in Egypt: the Giza pyramids, a hot air balloon ride over Luxor, the Valley of the Kings, a ride on the Nile, and much more.

As you know I love travelling solo and in fact most of the time I travel alone, but I do really love tours too.  Personally, I think Egypt is safe to travel around alone if you really want to and are confident enough.  But, the reason I really wanted to do a tour through Egypt is because of the guide.  I feel like there is so much to learn, especially in Egypt, so having a guide travelling with you was important to me.  This way I could ask questions, which helped me gain a lot more knowledge and hear fascinating stories that I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy unless there was a guide to assist me. cheap travel destinations