A functional medicine austin approach addresses the whole person, including genetic, lifestyle, environmental and family history to help get to the root causes of illness. They work with the patient to identify nutrient deficiencies, toxicities and behavior patterns that can lead to chronic disease.

A doctor with a functional medicine approach will spend more time examining the individual than a traditional physician. They will ask more detailed questions, and may spend time reviewing medical records and laboratory tests. They may also review the person’s diet, supplements and overall lifestyle. They will consider all of these factors and determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

Unlike conventional medicine, functional medicine doctors are trained to address the entire body as one integrated system, looking at how each part is functioning. They use advanced diagnostic tools and testing to uncover nutritional imbalances, hormone imbalances and organ function issues that aren’t always apparent in a standard blood test.

When conventional treatments fail, functional medicine can offer alternative methods that can help people feel better and live longer, healthier lives. Its principles are founded on the belief that the body has the innate ability to heal itself when given the right environment, support and nutrients.

Functional Medicine is an alternative to traditional medicine, but it’s not a substitute. It can help you find the cause of your symptoms and restore balance to your body. This is done through personalized health care plans, and it can improve your health and quality of life.

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, the functional medicine model of care was found to have positive associations with the patient-reported health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The authors recommend further research into this model and its potential to reduce health costs and the prevalence of chronic diseases.

Lauryn Lax, OTD, NTP, is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner on a mission to reinvent the way people look, move and think about their bodies. She is the author of The Food-Mood Connection and the creator of a holistic health coaching program, and she’s passionate about helping people reclaim their own personal power through food and lifestyle choices.

Patients choose to see a functional medicine practitioner for a wide range of reasons. Many have longstanding, vague or debilitating symptoms or illnesses that they’ve been unable to resolve with other treatments. Others have been told their test results are normal, but they still feel terrible. Still others have found that conventional medicine only treats the symptoms of their condition, rather than the underlying cause.

Those who seek out a functional medicine practitioner do so because they want to find a solution to their symptoms that isn’t a prescription drug. They know there’s a better way to feel, and they want to stop suffering from chronic disease. They’re frustrated by the fact that conventional treatments only mask their symptoms and often have serious side effects. They’re ready to take control of their health. They’ve had enough of feeling sick and tired, and they want to regain their vitality and sense of wellbeing.