YouTube Subscribers are followers or fans that have granted permission to receive updates whenever a channel uploads content. The more subscribers a video has, the more popular it is and the higher its ranking will be on the platform. The number of subscribers also gives a sense of social proof, which attracts new viewers and increases the chances of a video going viral.

Subscribers are important for a YouTube channel as they give the platform an indication of what kind of videos a user enjoys. YouTube then uses that data to deliver more of the same type of video to a viewer. It’s why so many channels make a point of asking their viewers to subscribe to their channel.

However, just like with any other social media channel, YouTube is plagued by fake users who create accounts solely to boost a channel’s number of subscribers. This practice is called spamming and is considered a violation of YouTube’s terms of service. YouTube will ban these accounts and may even demonetize the entire account if found guilty of spamming.

The good news is that there are reliable services on the market like ViralHQ that can provide real, organic YouTube subscribers to help a video stand out and reach its target audience. Their order process is simple and takes just a few minutes. They offer a variety of packages and even include likes, views and shares for a more comprehensive growth strategy. YouTube subscribers