Nothing is more exciting than getting a new computer – until it’s time to transfer all those files. The process can be lengthy and complicated if you don’t plan ahead. Luckily, HP has several tools and software that can help you save all your content to one location. We’ll walk you through the process step by step to ensure your files are in the right place with minimal time and effort.

What is File Transfer?
File transfer is the logical transmission of a file, or collection of files, between users and devices both locally and remotely. This can be done through a variety of protocols, including FTP, SFTP and HTTP.

With data volumes increasing across the Internet of Things (IoT), big data and analytics, speed is a critical aspect of file transfer. Advanced file transfer solutions deliver high performance capabilities that enable businesses to move large volumes of digital content quickly. They also provide operational visibility over the flow of data so organizations can identify any delays or issues that may occur.

To estimate your network file transfer speed, simply enter the file size and available network bandwidth or transfer rate. This tool will then calculate the estimated transfer time for you. Use the units dropdown menu to select between byte, megabyte, gigabyte and terabyte per second. Link Sharing