Ice Breaker Questions for Dating
Whether you’re on a first date, chatting over text, or just getting to know someone online, the right questions can help you make a strong connection. Having an arsenal of insightful, serious, and funny icebreaker questions for dating is essential to keeping the conversation going.

This question is a fun way to find out what your match’s sense of humor is like. It’ll also give you an idea of how well you will get along if they have the same sense of humor as you.

If your house and everything you own catches fire, and you can save one thing, what would it be?

This question allows you to learn more about your date’s sense of adventure and their priorities in life. It’s a great way to see how open they are to trying new things, and it can also be an indicator of their level of maturity. For example, if they can’t think of a time when they came up short, it might suggest that they have a inflated sense of self-worth. But if they can point to a few times that they’ve failed, it shows them to be more grounded and humble. It’s a good balance to strike in a relationship. ice breaker questions for dating