A minimalist baby registry is a great idea for moms-to-be who want to avoid clutter or simply don’t have the space for the extra stuff. The goal is to get only the baby essentials that you and your little one will use – from diapers, car seats and the Newton Baby crib mattress to a good quality bottle set, breastfeeding supplies, a breastfeeding pillow and an electric breast pump.

Many well-meaning gift givers shower new parents with a ton of cute baby clothes and gadgets that end up in the donation pile as soon as they’re worn or outgrown. Going minimal with your baby gear can save you a lot of frustration (and money) and can also help prevent stress and overwhelm in the wake of bringing home a newborn.

Baby must-haves to add to your minimalist registry include a high-quality infant carrier like the award winning Baby Bjorn Traveler and the best electric breast pump (the hospital grade Medela is a great choice). You’ll also want to register for essential nursing and feeding products such as a set of breast pads, reusable muslin cloths, and a baby bottle set that includes glass bottles and lids. Lastly, don’t forget to add a few baby swaddle blankets from brands like Aiden and Anais that will double as carseat covers and lightweight everyday blankets.

Adding a baby lounger to your minimalist registry is a smart idea, as it will provide a comfy place for you and your newborn to sit if you need a break from holding them. Just remember that occupational therapists recommend not using baby bouncers and swings because they hinder body movement and slow gross motor skills. Minimalist baby registry