Obsession spells can help you reignite a flame, bring someone to you, or make your target think of you all the time. They’re also effective for getting rid of love rivals. However, like any magic spell, it’s best to have a clear picture of what you want before casting one. Obsession spells can be harmful if you don’t have control of your own emotions and intentions.

A spell to make someone obsessed with you can be useful if you’ve been through a breakup and want to reignite the fire. These types of spells are usually done by a professional spell caster to ensure that they work. If you’re not careful when casting a love obsession spell, you could end up attracting an unwanted person. In some cases, the spell can even backfire and cause your ex to lose interest in you.

Unlike a love spell, an obsession spell is more focused on controlling and manipulating emotions. While a love spell is centered on positive energies and encouraging the natural course of love, an obsession spell can wreak havoc on relationships. For example, in the cult classic Bell, Book and Candle (1958), Gillian Holroyd’s witch mesmerised Jimmy Stewart’s Shep Henderson with her Pyewacket and intense humming/purring.

The key to success with this love spell is passion and visualization. Using this technique, you can help the target dream about you and have them see your face everywhere they look. To maximize your chances of success, cast this spell during a full moon.