According to current statistics,Prostate Cancer -:- Are You At Risk? Articles approximately 1 in 10 men will develop prostate cancer during the course of their lives and it is the second most common cause of cancer death, with lung cancer being the first. Prostate cancer is exceptionally rare in men under 40, but increases sharply in the following years. It’s important to begin understanding prostate cancer so you know what you’re looking at.

This cancer begins in the prostate, which is a small gland about the size of walnut that sits just below the bladder. This gland is specific to men, so women do not need to have any screening or testing done.

Just like most other cancers, DNA defects are central to the development of prostate cancer. Many DNA defects are required before the cancer begins to develop and it is a process that contains many steps and takes place over a long period of time. To learn how you can prevent cancer in your life, read Cancer Free For Life.

Scientists have not yet been able to pinpoint a single, identifiable cause of prostate cancer. Many sources have been singled out as indicators of high risk, including advanced age, a family history of prostate cancer, African-American ancestry, a diet high in fat and high levels of serum testosterone.

One of the biggest problems regarding prostate cancer is that it exhibits nearly no symptoms in its early stages. By the time the disease can be recognized and diagnosed, it is usually past the point of effective treatment using traditional means. Prostate cancer is not sensitive to current chemotherapy regimes.

If the prostate cancer is confined to the gland itself, then it can sometimes be cured by radical surgery and radiotherapy. Of the most commonly used Western treatments radical prostatectomy offers the best hope. Coming with that hope, however, are the risks of intense complications.

Frequently, a prostate cancer tumor can cause lower urinary tract problems such as a poor stream, incomplete emptying of the bladder and straining while urinating. Frequency and urgency of urination is also frequently affected by prostate cancer. Although it isn’t considered common, prostate cancer can also cause bloody urine.

When it spreads, prostate cancer typically spreads to the bony skeleton and the lymph glands of the pelvis. It often metastasizes to the lower spine and pelvic girdle causing backache. Once the lymph glands are affected, it can lead to swelling legs and obstruction of the kidney’s drainage tubes. Occasionally, the prostate cancer can cause renal failure by due to that obstruction.

Because it is such a common disease for men over 40, it is extremely important that all men have yearly examinations once they pass that chronological milestone. The exam may not be the most exciting and fun thing you’ll ever do in your life, but it certainly beats the alternative. fenben lab fenbendazol