Make your already hot summer sizzle with these clever date hookup ideas from a pool of talented relationship bloggers around the Internets.· Watch an outdoor movieMany towns and college campuses show outdoor films in parks and lawns during the summer,Guest Posting so make the old dinner-and-movie formula a little bit interesting. Bring a soft blanket and a bottle of your favorite wine and lay comfortably under the stars.· Pretend to be touristsPlay tourists for the day, date hookup and make up a story about your lives—like being long-lost lovers reunited for just one day—and do a little sightseeing in your city. Playfully take snapshots of each other as you get lost in the city, going inside places you often pass but never get the chance to go into and grabbing snacks to go along the way.· Revel at a fairgroundSome of the best date hookup moments end with a smoochfest with your man in the street, jumpstarting a teenage style raging hormone frenzy. Increase the chances of this happening by going back to those nostalgic days—think popcorn, cotton candy and a trip around the carousel. It’s definitely more romantic than an intoxicating bar crawl.· Channel your inner childYou don’t need to hit it big time and spend loads of cash to have a good time. Let your hair down, get in a pair of jeans and sneakers and schedule a play date with your man. You can hit the toy store to get a few goodies like a Frisbee for some outdoor fun, or a nice board game if you decide to play indoors.· Go out on an unforgettable picnicMake things interesting by with a themed picnic. Create an easy listening playlist and shop for the necessary food—like a good bottle of wine and delicious cheese—and find a nice outdoor spot to set up your own little corner of paradise.· Rent a boatIf you have no sailing skills, you can rent a canoe or a paddleboat and spend a peaceful afternoon with your man. And if the summer weather is a little too hot for you, jump in to cool off. Things can get hot if you decide to go skinny dipping.· Go hit a farmer’s marketSpend a lazy weekend morning picking at fresh locally grown produce samples and talking to farmers. You can bring home delicious ingredients and spend the rest of the day messing it up in the kitchen.