Whether you’re a Tom Hanks or Tina Fey, Morgan Freeman or Erin Yeaman, voice over artists are the people behind your favorite commercials, podcasts and phone apps. With the rise of the digital era, the demand for this flexible career has never been higher. However, navigating the field can be challenging for newcomers, as heavy competition is rife. But with the right guidance, it’s possible to make a living from this fun and flexible industry.

A career as a voice over artist can be very rewarding. It’s also a demanding job that requires both talent and a strong work ethic. You’ll need to practice frequently and listen carefully to your own recordings, as well as seek out coaching sessions. Some of these coaches are available in-person, while others work remotely via Zoom and other platforms. In addition, you’ll need to invest in the necessary equipment for recording and editing audio files as well as a home studio setup.

In a career as a voice over actor, you may have to read through scripts several times before clients feel satisfied. This requires articulation and clarity, which is why it’s important to practice regularly and seek out professional feedback.

Kim Handysides is a pro’s pro. She takes great care with each script that she receives, absorbing the vision for the project, breaking it down into its essentials and then bringing the words to life through her vocal craft. Literally tens of thousands of creators and producers have trusted Kim to tell their stories, deliver their messages and engage their audience with depth and heart. voice over artists