Counselling is the process of working with a professional to solve problems. Typically, counseling involves building a relationship with a client and exploring their thinking patterns to determine the root cause of their behaviours or emotions. Ultimately, the success of counselling depends on a client’s willingness and commitment.

A counsellor provides a space to talk about issues without judgment in a safe and confidential environment. This allows clients to express their feelings, thoughts and ideas openly and explore alternatives to harmful habits. Counsellors are specially trained to listen and interpret non-verbal communication. They are also able to provide an objective view of a situation, unlike friends and family who may be too emotionally involved.

The goal of counselling is to identify goals that the client wants to achieve and work collaboratively to make them happen. This can involve setting goals and finding ways to overcome obstacles, or it could mean creating an environment where the client feels more able to cope with stressors or negative emotions.

Often, people seek out counsellors because they are suffering from mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, or they want to improve their relationships or career. However, there are many different types of counselling and it is important to choose one that suits your needs.

You can either meet with a counsellor individually or as part of a group with others who are experiencing similar issues. Group counselling can be a useful way to find out that you are not alone in your struggles and can gain a support network.