A fountain that dispenses wine, rather than beer or water, has been installed in a village in central Italy. The new fountain in Caldari di Ortona is the first of its kind in the country, and is located along a popular pilgrimage route. Pilgrims and tourists can refill their scallop shells or water bottles with free, local red wine. The wine fountain was a collaboration between the Dora Sarchese vineyard and an organization that promotes the Cammino di San Tommaso, which leads to Ortona where the remains of Jesus’ disciple Thomas are kept.

The wine fountains have been a hit with pilgrims and tourists alike, who can refresh themselves after their long walks. However, the fountains should not be viewed as hangouts for cheap drunks; according to the local government’s website, pilgrims are encouraged to drink sparingly since drinking alcohol can cause dehydration and other health problems. The fountains are intended to be a source of encouragement and inspiration, not a place for boozing and swearing.

If you would like to add a unique decorative element to your garden or home, consider creating your own wine bottle water fountain. This is a fun and creative DIY project that can be customized based on your design preferences and available materials. The basic steps involve using a water pump, a container for the water, tubing, and decorations to match your design theme. This wine bottle fountain is a beautiful way to upcycle discarded or recycled bottles and add a relaxing ambiance to your home or garden.