With 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, it’s easy to find a few videos that you want to watch again or share with others. The easiest way to do that is by adding the video to your youtube favorites To add a video to your favorites, simply click the Add to button underneath a video on YouTube. From there, you can select a playlist that you already have or create a new one.

If you’re not using YouTube Playlists as part of your marketing strategy, you’re missing out on a powerful customer engagement tool. Playlists allow you to create collections of videos on a particular subject matter and organize them in an easy-to-navigate format for your customers. You can use them to promote your latest videos, highlight trending topics, or showcase a selection of your best content. Plus, they’re a great way to build brand awareness and attract more viewers to your channel.

In order to get your videos in front of more people, make sure that the title and description are relevant and accurate. Include keywords in your title, and keep the video description within a maximum of 100 characters to prevent text from getting cut off on search results pages. Also, be sure to include important information and call-to-actions at the beginning of the description. This will increase the likelihood that your video will be featured on YouTube’s “Trending” page.

Aside from creating and sharing playlists, you can also use them to organize your own videos into groups that you can easily reference later. For example, you might want to create a playlist of all the videos you’ve uploaded that have been tagged with “family friendly.” That way, you can quickly access them whenever you need to make a video for your kids.

When you have a new video ready to be posted, it’s important to get it in front of as many people as possible. Increasing the number of views, likes, and favorites will help you rise through the ranks on the YouTube platform. It will also boost your chances of making it onto the Trending page, which will bring in more viewers for your videos.

While it’s great that YouTube allows creators to upload content that appeals to a wide audience, it’s not fair when certain types of videos are age-restricted while others are not. This is what happened to gaming creator CoryxKenshin, who says that he feels that YouTube is playing favorites and believes that there might be racism involved. He cites the fact that another white creator, Markiplier, played the same game as him and got an unrestricted result but his video was age-restricted. He claims that this is a clear indication that the YouTube Policy Team is biased against black creators.